Apple is a well-established company that currently has a firm foothold in the mobile industry, while Google is a widely-known competitor traces its roots in the search engine service industry. Both companies are racing head-to-head to develop exclusive OS treats for their customers. Unquestionably, the two brands are the major players in the mobile OS market.
In 2007, Apple Store released the very first iPhone OS, which was eventually branded as “iOS”. The user interface of iOS is based on the idea of direct manipulation using multi-touch gestures. The four abstraction layers of the Apple Store product are called the Core OS, the Core Services, the Media and the Cocoa Touch.
Android was originally developed by a number of companies before Google purchased it in 2006. Android, a Linux-based OS, can be downloaded through the company’s online store Google Play. Among the most popular features of the OS are tethering, screen capture, multi-touch and java support.
The two may be the most popular operating systems due mainly to media hypes and massive promotional activities by their respective marketing and advertising teams. However, there are other alternatives to the two, like RIM’s BlackBerry OS, Samsung’s bada and Nokia’s Symbian OS.
Mobile Operating System Surveys Android and iOS are the two hottest names in the mobile OS industry. These two are always placed as options in online polls, especially when the poll seeks to the name the best mobile OS.
What are online surveys recognizing the leader in mobile OS? A Zero Expiry survey says that Android is ahead of the Apple OS, as of 06-20-2012. Android gets 53.33% while iOS gets 40%. The remaining respondents like other operating systems.
The same pro-Android results are shown in a survey by “Make Use Of”, a site for techies. The survey question goes “which mobile OS is your current phone running?” Besides the iOS and Android, the survey included Windows Phone, Blackberry OS, Nokia Symbian and Samsung bada as choices. The leading answer is still Android (53.13%) and iOS comes second (23.6%), as of 06-20-12.
Other online polls favor Apple iOS as the leading OS in the market. Moreover, a survey conducted by PC Mag for its Reader’s Choice Awards showed big revelations. The survey results that were released last March declared both Windows Phone 7 and Apple iOS as kings of mobile operating systems with a rate of 8.7 (out of 10). Android comes second with 7.9 points. Behind are Palm WebOS (7.7), Symbian (7.4), Windows Mobile (7.0) and Blackberry OS (6.8). The survey based its results on the satisfaction ratings give by OS users.
In the ongoing battle for supremacy, Google Play and Apple Store continue to develop new features that fit the lifestyle of a modern man. From time to time, new adds-on are introduced to the market.
Minor OS companies execute promotional activities and quality upgrades to attempt crashing into the race.
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